Sermon 3 Mar 2019

His story – Week 2 – The fall
Gen 3: 1-13
In Genesis 3 we read about the fall of humankind, the moment where Adam and Eve rebelled against God by doing that which He had asked them not to do.
• What does Gen 3 teach you about the nature of Sin?
• Essentially the first sin was an attempt by Adam and Eve (and Satan) to be God.
How do you attempt to be God in your life? (Can look like control, an inability to delegate, or a
Gen 3: 13-18
Upon sinning, we see God comes looking for Adam and Eve in the garden. He brings with him the Good and bad news. The bad news is that sin has cursed the earth and that things will be much harder and more painful than ever intended. But, He also brings the good news that the problem will one day be fixed by Eve’s ‘offspring’.
• What does this passage tell you about the nature of God and his posture towards sinful people?
• What does God’s reaction to Sin teach you about how we should react to sin in
Gen 3: 7-13
In this passage we see two of the most destructive consequences of sin, shame and blame. Shame caused Adam and Eve to ‘hide’ from God and to cover themselves up from one another. Shame then led to blame, as Adam then pointed the finger at God for the problem that had just been created. Shame and blame have a very tight relationship and can form a structure in one’s life that results in judgementalism, condemnation and isolation.
• What does this passage teach you about the relationship between shame and blame?
• How does shame cause you to hide and cover up from God and people?
• Where has shame caused isolation in your life?
• Is there something that you are blaming on others (God or people) that you need to own?