Sermon 24 Feb 2019

His Story – Week 1 – The beginning
In the beginning God . . .
Read Genesis 1 all the way through
The book of Genesis starts with the premise of God. It shows us that God is an uncreated being, who
has and will exist for eternity.
Gen 1:2, 1:26
The bible tells us that, In eternity past, God has existed in a ‘Trinitarian’ community (God the Father,
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit). Within this Trinitarian community there is a fullness of love,
joy and peace; God has no needs and he lacks nothing.
What do the first two chapters of Genesis personally reveal to you about God?
God didn’t need to create, He wanted to create.
- How does this influence your life?
Spend some time as a group worshipping God
Let us make Humankind in our own image.
Gen 1:26-28 – a delegated authority
Humankind (Male and Female) was created to rule over God’s creation. Created in the image of God,
humankind were to create in their own image and thus go forth into the world and make the rest of
the world look like the Garden of Eden.
God also detailed that they were not able to eat from a certain tree in the Garden of Eden. In giving
them choice, God gave them the full capacity to love. In the midst of these ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ God is
showing humanity how the might experience life in all its fullness.
What does the beauty and detail of creation tell you about God’s nature?
What does ‘free will’ tell you about God’s nature?
Reflect on this quote from John Piper:
“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.“