Sermon 18 Nov 2018
Philippians 2: 12-14
Philippians: Building a character that can know contentment in any Circumstance (4:12)
- Struggles (1:30) can help grow our character, if we navigate them well.
- Paul, in his letter to the Philippians is helping us navigate a struggle well.
Philippians 2:12-13
- A tension to manage, not a problem to solve.
An idea which includes a number of different elements
- Justification > sanctification > Glorification
- Justification is a declaration from God that we are righteous in his sight.
- Sanctification is the process of becoming like Chris.
- (Justification) Receiving a gift
- (Sanctification) Two people rowing in a boat.
Paul is saying that the process of becoming like Jesus is a partnership between us and him.
Philippians 2:13-15
Something that is going to inhibit or disable the growth process throughout a struggle is complaining/grumbling and arguing.
Without complaining and arguing = becoming blameless and pure children. (Verse 14-15)
Paul says these things
- Not as a harsh parent: “stop complaining and eat your broccoli”
- But as a wise guide
To complain is to constrain your growth
To this church Paul is saying: Work with God, who is working in you.
Work out what God is working in you:
- Understand it.
- Then partner with God in it.
Pressure reveals what’s inside:
- Squeeze tooth paste, it comes out.
We have to deal with what’s inside.
Complaining and arguing can be used to our advantage.
- What’s God revealing?
- What’s God doing?
- What’s God saying?
“I just removed everything that didn’t look like David”. Michelangelo